Company due diligence

Support for acquisitions

Our special service is the company due diligence service for our partners who are planning to buy a companyIn this service, we ask for different accounting data and returns from the target company even by including an auditor if it is necessary. We investigate whether the all the permits and knowledge required for the activity are available to the company. We check if any information warns us that the company’s operation is unsecured or risky.

We look at the company’s accountancy, its possible debts, examine its various financial indicators, its financial position and tax risks, which makes a solid basis of a well-founded decision on possible purchase. Upon request, we will help you determine the value of the business, whether it’s buying or selling

What kind of tasks do we perform?

During the company due diligence services, we mainly focus on:

  • Is there any worrying record in the official business register?
  • Is the Company included in the database published by the tax authorities that states the Company has tax debts, missing tax returns or an undeclared employee?
  • Does the company have the appropriate permissions, are its premises officially reported to authorities?
  • What kind of assets does the company have?
  • What kind of stocks does the company have?
  • What kind of receivables does the company have?
  • What kind of liquid assets does the company have mainly securities and cash?
  • What is the capital position of the company, whether there is a need for additional payment, capital increase?
  • Does the company have a free profit reserve, can it pay dividends?
  • What are the obligations of the company towards other economic operators?
  • Is there any overdue tax debt of the company?
  • What is the structure of the revenue of a company, and what prognosis is expected?
  • What is the structure of costs, expenditures, whether there is an unjustified or tax-risk item?
  • As a member of a group of companies, is there a risk regarding the prices applied?
  • Are business contracts and assignment contracts available?
  • Are employment contracts available and are labour rules applied correctly?

When we fulfill this service, we record our experiences and suggestions gathered during the due diligence in a protocol, which gives a solid basis of a well-founded decision on the investment.